Our babies are growing up (and having babies)! Millennial Moms are hotter than Hamilton tickets for influencer campaigns. And because they’re savvy about such things, there are a lot of them out there. Better choose wisely.

Finding the “right” influencers is the most demanding task in a campaign. And now, with influencer marketing taking off faster than Chris Pratt shed weight for Guardians of the Galaxy, the choices can quickly cause you to give in and have that glass of wine now. So what makes the “right” influencer? Take a peek at these amazing millennial moms–but first, read what makes them so impactful. It may just ensure you hit that home run!

Gotta be Authentic

You hire an influencer then, in a week, a colleague texts you a post of the same influencer promoting a competitor. Your heart flutters, and not in a good way. So you want a non-compete. If your product relies on brand loyalty, you may be surprised at how expensive it is to get a non-compete from an influencer. And if you’ve blind-picked-and-clicked through an influencer marketplace it would be impossible to monitor even if you were promised a non-compete.

So you need to find that perfect set of influencers who’ll happily provide you with a non-compete, but for little or no extra fee, yet still have good reach, and you can easily monitor, right? “Mid-level” influencers can hit this sweet spot; they can be fiercely loyal to exceptional brands. And since many are professional or semi-pros, they’re invested in delighting you and want you to hire them again. But you need more than authenticity. You need your campaign content to be something you’re proud enough of to call your own.

Quality over Quantity

Let’s add another wrinkle into the ask: You want beautiful content. And oh yeah – the posts need to be FTC compliant for your industry and country. Luckily, gorgeous images are available from that device we used to talk into. But the really exceptional content creators are skilled at composing the shot. Last, you should insist on reviewing that post before it goes out for quality, compliance, and content. And remember this: Give guidance; not a script!

Again, mid-levels hit the sweet-spot for quality and compliant content. Super micro-influencers can be hit or miss, especially if they’re only making $10-25 on the post or being paid with your product. Mid-levels have excellent photography/videography skills and, because they authentically love your product, they’ll represent it like your CMO would. But not so fast–there is one last bit of criteria, which could mean the success or failure of the campaign–even with authentic and quality content.

The “Right” Audience

What you really want is a consumer who loved the influencer’s post who’ll actually buy your product. Achieving alignment between the audience and your brand is especially effective at weeding out the aspirational consumers. So dig into the audience demographics and psychographics – their interests and buying attitudes. By ensuring your influencers’ audiences look like your ideal consumer, you’ll increase the impact of the campaign and reduce the risks of vapid or inappropriate comments.

Mia’s audience is very responsive to her sponsored posts, which is quite unusual. They’re  big into healthy living, babies, and fast fashion. And her photography is beautiful! Find her here on Instagram or get more info here.

Tiff’s audience is big into organic – no fast food for them! They love active summer holidays and pets. Find her here on Instagram or get more info on Tiff here.

Sina has amazing engagement and gorgeous photography. Her audience chooses expensive home and food and hits a couple custom segments we developed, too! Find her here on Instagram or get more info on Sina here.

There you have it. If you remember: Authenticity, Quality, Audience – your influencer campaigns will be on budget for engagement and you’ll get that share of voice bump over your competitors you promised.



MATTR is the only full-service influencer marketing provider with detailed audience insights from PersonaMesh™. We go beyond demographics into psychographics such as values and interests so that your influencer campaigns align with your campaign targets.


Jack Holt

CEO of Mattr. Named A World Top 50 Marketing Company