Mothers are hard to shop for, there is no doubt about that. Especially if your mom is anything like mine and the only response you get when you ask her what she wants for Mother’s Day is “oh…nothing” or some vague response about just hanging out with the family for the day. Sometimes moms themselves don’t even know what they want for Mother’s Day. Since mothers are always on the go and constantly busy taking care of an entire family, they can be hard to reach. Getting the attention of moms, especially millennial moms, is a task all in itself. Women in general aren’t responding much to old fashion mediums such as television or print ads. It is all about social media for them, so here are three reasons why influencers are especially perfect for Mother’s Day.


1. Women dominate as influencers

In nearly every category of influencer marketing, women are dominating. Lifestyle, travel, motherhood, fashion, beauty, home, cooking, etc, all have expert women leading the way. They learned how to create successful careers in blogging, so of course they learned how to succeed as influencers too.  In fact, in 2017, 83.9% of #ad posts were posted by women. And it’s not hard to notice. Mommy bloggers, especially millennial moms, are everywhere you look on Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram. They are impacting mothers of every age in every niche. Young moms, working moms, traveling moms, all are there to connect and relate to the women who follow them.



2. Mothers are one of the most active groups on social media

Although we think of Instagram as a platform for Gen Z, mothers make up a huge portion of the app. In fact, Instagram’s research shows, of their users, one in four women over the age of 18 in the US are moms. And it is not just Instagram. Facebook and Pinterest have a large group of active mom users, and we know now that influencer marketing on Facebook is getting bigger than ever. So not only are mothers influencing others on the platform, they are also active and following others as well. The average mom checks Instagram roughly six times a day and checks social media around 15 times a day.


3. Women respond better to influencer marketing

So we know there are great mom influencers and we know there are mothers that actively follow them. But what about engagement and conversion? Would these influencers actually have influence over the women that follow them? Yes! 56% of moms say Instagram is the place they learn about products and  86 percent of women turn to social networks before making a purchase. Studies have shown that women have more aspirational tastes, particularly where they can see other women depicted in strong positions. They like like seeing happy situations with people to whom they can relate. Influencers are just that–someone to relate to, someone to aspire to be like. Because of this, women, particularly mothers, respond to ads on social media when they come from people they follow and whose opinions they trust.



Influencer marketing is not just for millennials and gen z. Mothers are on social media, and not only are they making an impact as influencers, they are also being impacted by those they follow everyday. So if you’re looking to drive sales for Mother’s Day, use an influencer marketing campaign so Mom has an answer when she’s asked what she wants — you’ll succeed not just in your sales goals, but in promoting family happiness as well!



MATTR is the only full-service influencer marketing provider with detailed audience insights from PersonaMesh™. We go beyond demographics into psychographics such as values and interests so that your influencer campaigns align with your campaign targets.